August 15, 2024
By Editor:
(Editor’s Note: Back from vacation.)
Our country is on the edge of the point of no return. $35,000,000,000,000 in debt, millions of illegals rampaging across the our nation, homeless numbers in the millions all over America, crime being downgraded to lower levels to mislead the true level of violence, threats of Social Security being bankrupt in a few years while the Biden government adds thousands of people with 5 years of contributions while those who paid into it for 10 years are about to be screwed, and people who have to decide between buying heating oil, food, and gas for their cars every week because they can’t afford all 3 in one week.
Are we the only one that thinks this is totally out of control?
The annual interest on our debt in a few years will be equal to all the income taxes collected in the country. Obama let this slip years ago only ONCE in an interview, “we’re bankrupt, we just haven’t filed the paperwork yet.”
Right now, over 40% of every dollar spent by Washington is borrowed. That’s your pension, your Social Security, your welfare, your medical services, your food stamps, your rent subsidies, and maybe your college loans someday.
The leading cause for this disaster was Biden’s order to stop drilling oil all over the country. Did any of you stop using oil products, because we certainly did not. We had to drive to our jobs, to our doctors, to our stores for food, and to heat our homes.
Biden went on the world market and bought oil from Russia and Venezuela. Russia was broke before Biden put them in the oil exporting business to us. Putin used our oil money to bankroll the UKRAINE WAR!